Wednesday, April 27, 2016

9 month + 4 month update

Again...I find that much time has passed since my last update. I really want to continue blogging and not just about my little trios updates, but about infertility, life before and life after. Sadly, time has not allowed. At least yet.

So...that being said. Life is crazy busy! These little munchkins keep me on my toes and I rarely stop for a moment to breathe. So those of you I typically communicate with via email and text...this is why you hear from me so infrequently. If I'm not working...and not tending to my little can bet your butt I'm sleeping!

I always thought when friends with children took DAYS to respond to a simple text message, that it was odd. I mean, it doesn't take that long to text for goodness sakes. Whelp. I stand corrected.

Busy we are. Tired we are. And above all...Happy. We are grateful for every single tired moment.

We went through a LONG period of colds and ear infections and are finally seemingly over all of that. Casey has two teeth, Britton we think, is close. During this time, Casey became quite the fan of co-sleeping. And I have to admit, I loved every minute of it. Not just did he like to sleep with us, but he liked to literally bear hug me with his little body and sleep that way. We have spent the last week, trying our best to break that habit. It breaks my heart in two because I think I loved it as much as he did. But with two other babies, co-sleeping with one, doesn't seem wise.

Breastfeeding continues to surprise me. I mentioned before, I wasn't sure I'd like it and be able to make it to 3, almost 5 months in, I can't imagine not breastfeeding. I love that she's never had an ounce of formula. And considering my stash only continues to increase vs. decrease now that I'm back at work, I truly think we can get to a year or beyond. My biggest concern is a work trip I have coming up at the end of July that's for 4.5 days. Though multiple people online have said that we're well established at this point, that it shouldn't be an issue. I just want her to still WANT to nurse when I come home. It would break my heart if she didn't.


Liddy's 4 month appointment

She was 13 pounds and 8 ounces. In the 50th percentile for height and weight (but 90th percentile for wonder she wouldn't come out). She started rolling over when she was 3 months and is now essentially a pro at it and is working on sitting up. It amazes me how quickly she's doing things compared to the boys. I have to remember that they were almost two months premature. Though her determination at pretty much everything she does makes me believe they will quickly be on an even playing field and really will seem like triplets. She laughs and coos at us. She literally wakes up and falls asleep smiling. She's the happiest baby I've ever met. I always thought the boys were good babies, but she takes it to another level. With three infants, I feel so blessed that they have had such laid back and happy temperaments. It's certainly helped that the moments of having 3 with meltdowns are few and far between. The pediatrician has pushed us to get her out of our bedroom since her 2 month appointment and to start her on baby food at her 4 month appointment. Neither of which I'm in any hurry to do. Being exclusively breastfed, I don't plan on introducing solids until at least 6 months. And she's quite content and shows no signs that she's ready or wanting anything more. As far as sleeping, she has slept through the night, but typically wakes up and wants to nurse. I like having her close by. I do believe some of what she does is comfort nursing during the night because she usually doesn't nurse long and prefers to be in bed with me so she can kind of latch and unlatch. I let her. Wrong or not, I'm not sure. But that's what we do. :)

Here's our girl. 

Nicknames: Liddy Girl, Petunia, Princess Petunia

Britton & Casey's 9 month appointment

These guys are just growing up at staggering speeds. Britton is almost crawling and Casey is FINALLY starting to roll over and get on his hands and knees. Britton even pulled himself up to standing recently. Unlike their sister, they are ready for solid foods and are polishing off anything we give them. Well, most anything. Britton prefers to be a vegetarian. They are getting 3 meals a day plus a snack. They say a lot of "ma ma ma ma ma ma" and "ba ba ba ba ba ba ba". Though not directed at anything or anyone in general. They are starting to know when things are taken away from them and show their displeasure and are constantly fighting over toys. Britton likes to try and alligator roll while getting his diaper changed. So that's a challenge! They also seem to notice when Trevor and I leave and when we come back. Their little gleeful faces and they way they laugh and jump when they see is literally melts my heart every day. At last weeks appointment Britton was 21 pounds 12 ounces and Casey was 22 pounds 8 ounces. Pretty close to 95th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. Can definitely tell that Britton is slimming up since he's so much more mobile that Casey. Casey's head is smaller and he's shorter...but he weighs a pound more. Evident by the cute squeezable, pinchable cheeks he's rocking. Casey got his first hair cut last week, but only nipped a bit to keep it manageable. 

My little men.

Nicknames: Casey - Casey Bear (he's a hugger), Britton - Love bug, "B" and Busy B

After all we went through, I still struggle to look at them and know they are mine. It's so surreal...and they are so much more than I ever imagined. 

My miracles.


  1. I felt so much happiness reading this post! I love love love that this is now your life. Another thing I love love love..... Casey's hair!! Oh my goodness!! He's a little looker. They all are really. :)

  2. Oh my goodness, they are so munchable and CUTE!!! Love all their baby rolls and chubby cheeks:) I'm sure a lot of their happy temperament comes from the wonderful environment you guys provide for them. There are some triplets I saw on someone's IG account, 2 boys and a girl and altho they were born at the same time, they have the same size difference as your three!

  3. Gah. Could they be any cuter?!?! Love this. Love you. Love your life.

  4. My goodness all of the cuteness!!! Liddy's smile just made me crack up laughing it's soooo cute!

  5. Her smile is definitely going to be a catch! Glad to see an update from you. I have to agree seeing them get overjoyed by one look at us is the most amazing thing in the world. I can seriously cry because it seems so unreal.

  6. All 3 are just precious and I see how amazingly happy you are with how it's all turned out. I'm glad the kiddos are all doing so well and hopefully the trip won't affect your supply much and I know you'll count the minutes until you can come back and see them. So happy for you.

  7. It brings so much joy to my heart to read this post and look at your beautiful children. You have a house full of love, Suzanne, which is exactly what needed to happen. The road was long and tortuous, and now you are a family. I am so very happy for you, sweet, dear woman.

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