Monday, September 8, 2014

First Steps Often Mean the Most

Several things to update today. One...I've been a horrendously bad blogger as of late. I'm so sorry and I am going to try really hard to get better.

Blogging has become difficult being in this in between stage. I don't know what to write about? Life has felt very settled down lately, and on one hand, that's a really good thing. The first half of our summer was insane with travel and FET's and appointments, weddings, weekend company, you name it...

The past month or so, I've been a very content little homebody. What comes with that is the lack of anything exciting to talk about especially when my infertility journey is in limbo. What I can say is that the past month, T and I have had a lot of special moments together. Moments that have been much needed and I'm incredibly grateful for. It's certainly helped pass the time while we wait for the next chapter of infertility to begin.

Labor Day, 2014 -- AVP Tournament in Cincinnati

The great thing is...I finally have an update! The first step is official. CCRM has our GC's records for review!! Better yet, Dr. G informed me that her pregnancy induced hypertension would not be a disqualifier. (Hot diggity!

According to the nurse, the doctor will take 2-4 weeks to review her records for "initial approval". Lets hope it's more on the 2 week side of that. The IUD is also scheduled to be removed on September 16th...that's one week away and we'll officially have step 2 complete! 

My GC and I communicated back and forth all day on Friday. I think I sat at my desk at work bouncing up and down in my chair, smiling at my computer screen like a 5-year old. 

Shit got real. And I love it!! I'm so excited. Not for one second this weekend did I think about the fact that someone else could be carrying our baby instead of me. All I thought about was that maybe, just maybe, by the end of 2015, we could finally be a family. 

So we celebrated this small, but very significant milestone with a yummy dinner out, complete with our favorite bottle of wine. 

I cannot wait for things to continue to progress. I cannot WAIT to share more and more about this process and about my gestational carrier. I can't wait to give her a name...and stop calling her "GC" or "gestational carrier"! 

Keep the good thoughts coming and I know that day will arrive. 


  1. Yay! Oh this just makes me so stinking happy! It sounds like you guys had a fabulous weekend and a lot of reasons to celebrate! Can't wait for more forward progress!

  2. Sending so many positive thoughts for this next chapter in your life!

  3. This is very exciting news!! Also really glad to hear that you were able to enjoy a wonderful time together :)

  4. So awesome! How exciting Suzanne! Please keep us updated on the progress of it all :)

  5. I cannot tell you how excited I am to see this update!!! YAY!!!!!

  6. Yay Suzanne! So good to hear from you. I'm glad things are moving forward and you're doing well.

  7. Love your excitement and that you're looking forward to 2015 with no hesitation or regrets! Yippeeeee!

  8. Yay for getting some step checked off! I agree, at this point in our fertility journeys the idea of someone else carrying doesn't even seem like a huge issue. We are just SO ready for our take home real life legit crying screaming adorable baby that it doesn't matter. I'm hoping September flys by for your guys. The pic of you and your husband is adorable!!

  9. I can hear the excitement in your voice and I love it! Glad things are moving along and you are remaining positive. Enjoy those precious memorable moments with the Hubs.

  10. from a fellow CCRM'er who also used a GC there...
    so excited to know things are finally getting going!

    patience was in my top 5 challenges.
    keeping the bigger picture in mind was also difficult at times, as you well know, but I think you are really getting there.

    GC? Schmee-C... there does come a point where your mind just accepts, and beyond acceptance, welcomes, the reality of working with a GC to have your child. I think you are there too!

    I really hope that in a few years, you are going to look back on this time with just a handful of memories, too tired to recall the details of how you got there, because you are taking care of your kid :)

    thanks for updating! great job on just livin' life... that's a gift in and of itself!

  11. It's got to be hard having another women carrying your husbands child..

    1. Why would you even type such a thing? Can you not "hear" the excitement in her voice. The baby is not "her husband's child" it is THEIR baby. PERIOD.

    2. Who are you and why would you write such ridiculous nonsense? You have nothing to base your comment on and you obviously don't know S. It's not her husband's child, it's their child. Idiot.

    3. It's much harder dealing with ignorant people making stupid comments. It's amazing how ugly people can be towards such a wonderful post! Quit reading the blog if you can't be supportive. Using a GC has been the most amazing, special experience but anonymous would never ever be able to comprehend this.

    4. Move along, Troll. We don't have time for your asshatery. Suzanne is a million times better than you even on your best day. But I'm sure you know that already.

  12. So happy some things are falling into place. Focus on the big picture . . . I see the comment that someone left above mine. Yes, that would be hard . . . but it's your baby and it's all about the big picture of your family. Couples struggling with infertility can do hard. I'm following your progress and cheering for you and your husband.

  13. I'm so glad about the good news! Hoping that CCRM will hurry up and approve her so that you can move on to the next step!

  14. yay! I'm so excited for you and you just look so incredibly happy in your picture! Love ya girlie! xo

  15. Love this happy post!! You and T are seriously the absolute cutest, by the way! Fingers crossed for an "it's a go!" from your nurse soon!

  16. "Baby steps" right? Love that you are moving forward and I'm so excited to hear more about your journey. Thinking about you friends and keeping you in my prayers.

  17. I'm so happy for the update! That's awesome!! And next week for the IUD to be removed is fantastic!!! Can't wait to see more updates and very much hoping CCRM takes only 2 weeks to review the file.

  18. You're a cute pair. Glad things are moving forward!

  19. So happy things are off the ground and moving along! Hoping all goes smoothly!

  20. I am so happy for you that things are progressing and looking promising!! I have been thinking about you!

  21. Oh my goodness!!! This is so exciting! What wonderful news and each step is getting you closer to your precious little baby! I can't wait!
    Cute pic btw! Glad you enjoyed some of the downtime :)

  22. Love the update. Cute pics. Yay for progress on the GC xoxoxo

  23. Yay!!!!!! Good thoughts coming!!! Adorable picture, by the way.

  24. So happy to hear that things are coming together!

  25. Hooray!!! Visualizing the end result--your family--is definitely the way to go. So excited for you!!!

  26. Infertility is like the most expensive, time consuming, stressful hobby ever. I don't even know what I would do with myself if I didn't have to slog to that awful place twice a week. Glad to see you are moving forward with your plan!

  27. Great news! Such an exciting step!

  28. I'm so so sorry I've been behind on reading blogs. Yay! I am so happy things are moving forward and I'm hoping CCRM gets back to you quickly with a big fat thumbs up for GC!

  29. Things are moving forward! This is so exciting! :)

  30. Indeed this is a very big and good news that is IUD is now officially gone. Honestly women’s have to suffer from lot of pain because of this IUD. Such thing should be banned so that no one else suffers from this.

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