Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Best gift I could ever ask for

Our beta is in...

At 6.5 hours shy of being 8dp5dt it's...


It's a fantastically solid number for so early. Our nurses reaction was "you are definitely 100% pregnant". 

The next beta is Friday. Hopefully it doubles. Please...just let that happen. 

So incredibly blessed for this Christmas miracle and the woman that's made it possible. 


  1. Oh Suzanne, this is such beautiful news!

  2. A well deserved and extremely desired Christmas gift indeed! Merry Christmas, sweet friend! Enjoy your good news!

  3. Yay! This is definitely the best Christmas gift!

  4. Perfect Christmas present. Congratulations!

  5. I love how after all the waiting and hiccups and guessing, you are finally at a place where you are 100% pregnant. Perfect pee sticks and a perfect beta, more than you could have hoped for. It's just so wonderful. Merry Christmas, to you and your growing BABY(s)!!!!

  6. I've been silently following your blog and praying for good news for you even though I've never commented before. Many congratulations!!

  7. Absolutely and positively so happy for you!!!

  8. so glad that your beta came back solid...
    it is a tough stressful time to be having a beta, that is for sure, and I am really glad that you all can have this joy in your hearts, feel them filling with hope, displacing the despair...

    thanks for sharing your news!

  9. Heck yes!!!! What a great, strong BETA! This is just awesome, Suzanne! Merry Christmas!!!!! Xoxoxox

  10. Oh Suzanne!!! This brings tears to my eyes!! What a perfect, sweet gift for Christmas!!! I am so so excited for you and each month that passes here on out! There really aren't even adequate words for all of this. So happy for you!
    Merry merry Christmas!
    Ahhhh!!! :) :) :)

  11. yayayayayayayya!!!! Hallelujah!! Merry Merry Christmas to your sweet family. Come on Friday!!

  12. Amazing number Suz!! And just beyond thrilled for you guys!! The best gift ever is right!!! Xoxo

  13. It's going to double!!! What a great beta! Yay!!!

  14. I have also been silently following your blog ever since stumbling across it when I started my own infertility journey in 2012.. I have 10 month old twin girls via donor eggs who are the loves of my life :) I was waiting for your post and this made my day! You are going to be an amazing mom. Merry xmas!!

  15. wahoooo party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrating with you friend!

  16. I have also been a silent follower when I was going through my own infertility journey. I still check back and am so thrilled to read your wonderful news. Congratulations!!!!

  17. Best Christmas miracle EVER! I'll be thinking of you and Kelly and Friday. Hoping for more good news...

  18. I've been following your story for so long (as a fellow DOR gal) and am just so thrilled for you this morning!!! Praying alongside you for a healthy & smooth pregnancy for Kelly. xo

  19. how was your beta today? thinking of you...

  20. Oh Suzanne how amazing! I am so thrilled and excited for you. Congrats sweet friend.

  21. This is wonderful, Suzanne! I'm so very happy for you!!

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