Friday, March 21, 2014

Another Quickie

I'll have a longer post this weekend after I've spoken with CCRM, but I didn't want anyone in any suspense waiting for some great lining post today. Sadly, that's not the case.

My lining was 4.37mm. So down quite a bit. I can't say I was surprised. I spent most of this week in bed with a very nasty sinus infection, which I'm sure didn't exactly help my blood flow.

The speeding ticket after leaving the clinic…was just the icing on the cake. Jerk.

I'm okay. I have great friends in all of you that have helped me through every step of this. So many texts and emails of well wishes and even a really special phone call. You guys get me through.


  1. That just wasn't your protocol is all. And that is what a mock cycle is for, to see what works and what doesn't. Try not to be down, because you followed orders and it just didn't click, but that's ok. You certainly aren't out of options to grow your lining yet and a new mock cycle is a fresh new start. Chin up! Do something nice for yourself this weekend. Sounds like you deserve it....speeding ticket to boot? Pft!

  2. I agree with Emily. They are getting things figured out and you will get a great protocol for you. Stupid ticket. ugh

  3. Oh friend. I hope the Doctors friend the protocol that's perfect for you soon! Please keep me posted about what they suggest.

  4. I'm sure those awesome doctors will find your magic potion. You will be there soon. And boo on that speeding ticket. I think you should grab yourself a margarita or two and say "eff it all". hugs lady.

  5. Always, ALWAYS in your corner and rooting for you, my friend!! It's so not over, not if we have anything to say about it.

  6. Oh no on both things... hopefully the drs can figure out what to do next... we're all rooting for you!

  7. Emily said it best. Praying your doctors are able to take the information they gathered from this mock cycle and they can put it to use to come up with a protocol that will bring you your precious little miracle. Keep your chin up. You're still in this fight... and we are all right behind you! Much love.

  8. Bah!!!!! Bah to the lining, bah to the sinus infection and a double-bah to the speeding ticket :(

  9. Oh Suz.... I'm sorry :(. And I'm furious about your ticket- total jerk! Please know I'm thinking of you! XO

  10. Ah, shoot. That really sucks. I am sorry. I was hoping for better news for you. Thinking of you.

  11. *hugs* girl! I am really sorry about the lining. I'm sure CCRM has a plan to help improve it.

  12. What? Speeding ticket?!?! Jerks. I'm with Heidi, grab a margarita!

    Love you, friend!

  13. I don't like this post :( I am sorry and really they couldn't just give you a warning on the speeding ticket?? I am hoping when you speak with CCRM, they have your plan that will be the perfect plan to get you exactly where you need and want to be. Sending you a big hug!

  14. I'm sorry it doesn't look better. And the infection and the speeding ticket on top of everything.
    Dear Universe, can you be kind to Suzanne for a while now? She really deserves it.

  15. I cried over a check engine light, so I would have bawled my eyes out for a speeding ticket! Sorry for the news about your lining, but echoing everyone else, all is not lost, it's a matter of finding the right formua.

    1. I just looked at your meds for the mock cycle, and I just wondered if aspirin was every discussed. I looked up my handouts from a lecutre I attened at an infertility conference and there was reference to one study that was prospective, randomised double blind placebo and found that low dose aspirin (81 mg) improved uterine blood flow and implantation rates. I made a note with a little asterick that this was especially beneficial in women with a thin endometrium. This may be something you already discussed or may reserve to the actual transfer, but I just thought I'd mention it to make sure no stone is unturned!
      BTW: here is the reference for the study
      Rubenstein et al. Fertilty and Sterility 1999:71:825.

    2. CCRM did not have me taking aspirin, but I actually was taking it anyway. I will be asking about it specifically during my regroup in a few weeks. Thank you!!

  16. There's always just something that has to top off the crapiness. Sorry for that friend :/ Hope you are feeling better- don't get too down... mock cycles have a purpose and it's good they now know what doesn't work! Sending lots of hugs! xoxo
