Saturday, May 24, 2014

Transfer day is SET!

We made it to Denver! It was pretty questionable with the storms that swept through the area on Thursday afternoon, but we managed to be one of the only flights that made it in without a delay.

Our appointment at CCRM was early yesterday morning and can I just say how awesome it was to be at MY clinic. T usually doesn't go to my monitoring appointments in Indianapolis, so I think he enjoyed being able to actually see what it is that they are looking for (and what I'm talking about) every time I say "thin lining", "fluid", etc. They also measured the blood flow in my uterus, and it looked fairly good. The left side could use a tad more flow, but we're working on that with the electroacupuncture. 

So my lining…that's really what we all want to talk about, right?? 


Now I know…the majority of you ladies would probably be pretty upset over such a thin lining. But for me, 6.8mm is almost a 7mm. Dr. G even rounded up and called it a 7 later in the day. This is a major, major improvement for me. 

T and I spent the rest of the morning working at a cute little coffee shop cafe in downtown Denver. I went to my acupuncture appointment and I really liked her. I had never had electroacupuncture so I really was unsure what it would be like. I liked it so much, I went back again today. 

My nurse called me later in the afternoon with the news. 

My transfer is scheduled for next Friday, May 30th. 

I had initially thought they would want to keep me on the stims to try and continue to thicken it. However, Dr. G does not think my lining will get much thicker. I think his worry is that if we try to get to greedy with my lining, it will start to go backwards. 

So tonight I trigger with HCG and tomorrow I start progesterone. I have another ultrasound on Monday. 

So where am I at with all this? 

I'm happy. I mean, I honestly didn't think I'd make it to an actual transfer. It's been over 2 years of fertility treatments and I've never once had a transfer. It's even been a year and a half since my last IUI. This is my first ART attempt since 2012!! Doesn't that seem crazy? 

My nurse said that she's seen people get pregnant with a 7mm lining. I know my chances aren't as good as someone with a nice cushy, thick lining, but this is our shot. Finally. And I'll take it. 

So for the next week we plan on enjoying all the awesomeness that Colorado has to offer. We're spending time with our family and friends. Some of which are so incredibly amazing that have welcomed us into their home for TEN days. I could never, ever thank them enough for being so kind. 

So FRIDAY!!! YAY! (It's muted excitement…but excitement nonetheless) We're transferring our 4AA embryo. 

Here goes, you know, everything.


  1. Yay! Yay! So glad to hear this.
    I have everything crossed for you and will be thinking of you
    Good luck!

  2. Hot DAMN!! I'm giddy for you!

  3. Woohoo!! I'm so extremely overjoyed with excitement for you Sizanne. Crossing absolutely everything and praying that everything goes well. That little embryo will snuggle up in ur uterus. (:

  4. This is amazing news! I've been thinking of you and wondering how things have been going. Fingers are crossed! Stay dry in Denver! Xoxo

  5. Oh my gosh this is so exciting!!!! You are going to be PUPO soon!

    My lining was exactly 6.8mm when I got pregnant from my IUI. I was so skeptical it would be enough, but it worked! I am hoping & praying the same will be true for you too! I am sending you so much good luck and good vibes! xo

  6. Oh I got excited for you just reading this! Praying!

  7. Wahoo!!! Next Friday! Awesome awesome!! I don't care if they tell you that you have a 1% chance or 100% I'm just as hopeful either way! So hopeful - Believing!!!!!!

  8. So freakin' excited for you!!!! Everything crossed!!!!!

  9. Great news!! My lining wasn't much better, at 8mm at transfer, and I did just fine. Our nurse told us some women don't have thick linings naturally, and she's seen people with a 5mm do just fine. I'm so excited for you and hope this cycle is the one! Xoxo

  10. OMG! I've been stalking your site all day waiting for an update, this is fantastic news! Hoping for smooth sailing as you approach your transfer!

  11. I sm so over the moon for you guys! A 7 is a good number. A lucky one to boot! Don't compare yourself to other people. Remember there are LOTS of factors that contribute to a healthy pregnancy. (Don't we infertiles know this all too well). Maybe 7 is your perfect number. I'm putting your transfer on my calendar so I remember and I will send you ever last good vibe I have!!! XOXOXO biggest hugs ever to you and T. I want this so bad for you. EEEEEKKKKKK!

  12. I did the electrostims for accupuncutre for my last IVF and it really helped my lining. So I think it is great you added that this time.

  13. I'm so thrilled with 7: beyond excited! Those doctors are amazing… just think, a few months ago, we couldn't get out of the 3mm range… you'e DOUBLED! Praying hard for you this week! LOVE YOU!

  14. Oh Suzanne I am soooo freaking excited for you!!!! You know what? If the good doc is happy with 7 mm, I say it's a winner! This is just so exciting. You deserve every bit of this. Enjoy beautiful Colorado for the next week before baby comes home!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!

  15. Good luck Friday! Fingers crossed for you!!!

  16. Yayyyyyy!!! This is such great news, Suz!!! Enjoy beautiful CO- soak it all in and know I will be praying for a successful transfer for you on FRIDAY!!!

  17. This is great! I think your lining is okay...mine didn't hit 7 until 5 days before transfer (the donor's retrieval date) and it worked for me!! Good luck!!!

  18. oh wow oh wow!! My heart skipped a beat when I read your title!! This is amazing!! I'm so pumped for you! Come on little embie!!

  19. I'm so happy for you and that your lining is looking good! I'm excited for you and hoping this all works out! Enjoy Colorado and keeping my fingers crossed for Friday! Thinking of and praying for you!

  20. Big, huge smile on my face!! I'm so happy your lining is doing so good. I'm praying so, so hard that this little embie makes it Suzanne. You deserve it so much. Lots of good thoughts and prayers. I hope with all my heart that this is it.

  21. Almost seven sounds wonderful! I'm so happy to hear this! I hope all the stars will finally align and that you will bring home a beautiful baby in 10 months.

  22. This is such great news, YAY!!! I seriously can't stop smiling, I am so happy for you :) One of my bfp's came with a lining around yours too, so it can definitely happen. Enjoy your time in Colorado, can't wait to hear more great news from you soon!

  23. YAY!!!! This is awesome news! I am so excited for you!

  24. SWEET!!! I'm SO excited for you guys! I will be praying and sending all kinds of happy vibes and sticky wishes your way. Enjoy Colorado..

  25. Yay! I'm so glad you have a real shot at this! Sending lots and lots of prayers your way that this is a success!

  26. I was SO impressed to read about your lining! I really was! It has been so uncooperative in the past, and now 7. Well done!
    And it's such good news that the transfer has been scheduled. I'm glad you are excited, however mutely. There is cause for excitement. And hope.
    My thoughts are with you, lovely!

  27. So rooting for you guys...and for your precious embryo!!!

  28. You already know I'm over the moon for you and T. Everything will be crossed for y'all tomorrow.
