Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Tuesday ramblings

Slowly, but surely, my hCG is dropping. Not sure why I was so much more worried about this second round of blood work since my shot of Methotrexate, but I was. I didn't want to hear that it was still bouncing around or lingering. I did NOT want to hear that I needed a second shot of that nastiness.

After a brutal night of waiting, because OB's just do not get results to you as quickly as an RE does, I found out that my hCG dropped from 80 to 36. It's dropping over 50% every week. My doctor was very pleased with this.

Obviously, I want it at 0, like, yesterday. The good news is things are moving, and moving in the right direction.

Minus some really nasty allergies (on my part) the hubs and I had a really nice weekend. Friday night we sat outside at a local restaurant with a great bottle of wine. Saturday we did little errands and had a nice dinner at home that was delish...thanks to him...not me. Sunday was cleaning and relax day before starting another week.

I also received the sweetest little surprise in the mail from a dear, sweet blog friend, Aubrey. Even as she approaches her own cycle, she took the time to send out such sweet goodie bags. She really helped boost my spirits and remind me how lucky I am to be surrounded by such amazing women. While I wouldn't wish infertility on my worst enemy, I am thankful that so many of you have come in to my life. Go wish her your best and safe travels as she goes out to Denver for her IVF. She's one strong lady.

I have so many lovely friends that have so much on the line these next few weeks. Some blog friends, some real life friends, some friends from forums. Some with only one chance at IVF and feeling so much pressure to make sure this is exactly right. Some facing the most difficult of odds and in the hardest 2ww of her life. Some facing the birth of the child they hoped for month after month. Some hoping that just the right birth parents realize that the perfect parents for their unborn child, is right here, just waiting for them. Maybe it's your last FET or IVF cycle before plan b? plan c? Others are embarking on a new journey of donor eggs, hoping this is the magic wand of fertility or just waiting to get through that awful first trimester so that you can finally relax...a little. Some ladies are holding their newborn babies right now, still adjusting to the fact that something they waited and wanted for so long, is REAL and staring back at them.

Whoever you are right at this moment. My heart is with you. I know I sometimes obsess over what is going on right here and right now, but as I sit and wait out this most current challenge, I've had this overwhelming sense lately of what's going on around me.

So my wish today. That every one of you reading this blog post is well on your way to happiness.


  1. It sounds like you are in a really good place Suzanne :) You are so sweet to continuously think about everyone else when you are going through the same awful journey. You deserve this so much, I can't wait to hear your success story, I know it is right around the corner. I'm glad that your numbers are continuing to fall and that you don't another shot. Hopefully it reaches zero before you check it again :) Praying for you and Goose!

  2. Happy to hear the number is dropping. Your tootsies look gorgeous! Blessings to you; you are one strong woman!

  3. Yea for dropping hCG! This sounds great! I'm so happy to hear this!

    And you're right... there are a lot of ladies who are in the midst of some really big stuff right now! I'm so happy/excited/nervous/scared for all of them!

    Wishing you the very best! Hope the allergies leave you alone soon!

  4. You are soo kind!!

    Glad your numbers are dropping!!

  5. Great attitude Suzanne! Awesome your hCG is dropping and you avoided the 2nd shot. Praise God for that! Love that pink nail polish. You and Aubrey are both such gems. Now, c'mon ZERO HCG!!! :)

  6. So glad your hcg is dropping!

    Love the toes :)

    And, I have the same wish for you, my friend!! xoxo

  7. Thank you for these beautiful, sweet words. Think of you all often. And hoping for the best for us.

  8. I love your uplifting attitude, Suzanne. Glad to see that those #'s are dropping. Aubrey is such a sweet lady and I'm glad she went out of her way to send u a lil goodie bag. Thank u for all the best wishes!!

  9. I love you girl!! You are one amazing, wonderful woman. I'm glad the HCG is dropping and things are progressing well with Goose. I can't wait for November when you will finally, finally get that marvelous sticky BFP!

  10. I'm relieved to read that your hcg is dropping nicely. Really good news.
    How sweet of your friend Aubrey to send you that care package.
    Your heart is so big, Suzanne. You are able to think of others even in the midst of your own turbulent journey. I think that's admirable.

  11. Just found your blog and will now be following along! Hoping your HCG numbers keep dropping quickly!


  12. very sweet post! thanks for sharing those sentiments! and we have the same hope for you!!

  13. Lets go HCG! Get down to zero! It sounds like you are in a good place and I am so glad for that. Thank god you didn't need that second shot.

  14. What a nice update, so glad to read it from you :) Your HCG is dropping and you got a sweet gift in the mail! I am happy for you my friend

  15. You're the sweetest to think of so many others! Hoping your numbers drop rapidly. Hugs friend!

  16. I just found your blog and am so grateful that you decided to share your story with all of us. My husband and I live in Aspen, CO and are starting our very first egg donor cycle after a failed IVF cycle (hopefully at the end of September). We're right there with you and cheering you on from the mountains. Good luck to you and everyone on here and thanks for sharing your journey! - Courtney

  17. Praying those levels hit 0 soon, so you can move on...I hate how it can linger and take for ever to resolve....xxxx's

  18. Thank you so much for this post. It reminded me that wherever we are on our journey, we are all on the same team, rooting one another on. I'm so glad to be on this "team," right alongside you, my friend.
