Thursday, August 15, 2013

Well, when you put it that way...

Maybe our doctor's offices should always tell us a worse case scenario. Then, when they come back and tell you different, you have a bit of excitement!

That's what happened last night. My RE had been on vacation when the nurse told me she thought it would be a six month wait after the methotrexate injection. I received an email yesterday letting me know that I only have to wait three months! FINALLY...a wee bit of good news! I'll take what I can get at this point.

Not only that, but I can do the mock cycle and endometrium biopsy as soon as my hCG levels are <5. This means, potentially, if the levels are finally beginning to fall, by the time my 3 month wait is over, we can go right into a transfer.

I would LOVE to have my transfer before the end of the year. It just seems like it would be pure torture to have these embryos on ice with no where to go.

My trip to Southern California had been going fine until I started getting sick. So here I am, boarding a redeye later this evening with some sort of nasty cold. My fellow passengers are going to adore me.

Doesn't matter, no one is raining on my parade, at least today. I have good news, albeit small and I'm thrilled.

Next hCG is on Saturday...hoping it's going in the right direction.


  1. Yay!! I like that!! They should tell us the worst so we can feel happy when it's better! 3 months is WAY better than 6, specially when 1 month feels like 8 years! Come on 3 months!

  2. That's awesome news! Three months will fly by, especially since you will be able to do a mock cycle while you wait :) I know time goes by so slowly during all of this, but compared to the original 6 month wait, 3 is awesome! Can't wait to hear that your hcg is going down like it should and that you are on the right track forward :)

  3. YES!!! This is awesome news! So, so wonderful!!! Things are looking up Suzanne!

  4. YAY!!!!! How wonderful!!!!! So happy for you Suzanne :)

  5. Great news! This news makes me happy for you!

  6. Praying you feel better today, the flight goes well tonight, and your appointment on Saturday goes well! So glad that you got good news!! Rejoice :)

  7. YES! 3 months is a big difference, and it will fly by while you're working on the other stuff anyways. Hope you feel better soon with the cold.

    Can't wait for more updates on the donor's retrieval. I'm so stinkin excited for you guys!!

  8. WOOOHOOO!!! I'm so relieved to read that it's 3 months instead of 6! Now, I'll be holding my breath for a transfer before Christmas. So hopeful.

  9. YAYYY for this great news! I'm so happy for you - what a HUGE difference 3 months is vs 6!!

  10. Woohoo! 3 months! That's so much sooner....and better! I'll be cheering you on!

  11. As a 3 time donor.. I vote for our girl.. our lady.. as she is forever yours in a teeny tiny way ❤

    Praying and thinking fertile thoughts!
