Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cycle Day ONE!!!

Well, not for me. For Goose!

I got the call yesterday that she got her period and started her birth control pills. My nurse told me that she would start her stim meds on September 22nd. Her first ultrasound and blood work appointment would be on September 25th/26th. They will also schedule an "embryo regroup" appointment with myself and Dr. G to discuss the cycle on September 30th. I guess at that point we'll have a good idea of how many follicles will be retrieved since I believe that's the day they will have her trigger (approx.). They are shooting for a retrieval on October 2nd.

That's just over a month away!! We're going to go ahead and book T's flight to Denver for the 30th - 2nd and make changes or adjustments to his flight if needed.

I ordered her meds yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised at the cost. I guess after I had the kitchen sink thrown at me for my IVF cycle, fertile folks meds are cheap in comparison!! I'll take it. Not complaining, not even a little.

I feel like such a back seat passenger. All I'm really doing is swiping the credit card!! Never thought I'd be so removed from trying to create our child. I'm glad that this is happening, it certainly has given me a sense of hope and renewed strength whilst I continue to deal with my issues. I just wish I could jump in and participate!

I've been thinking a lot about the letter and gift that I will give Goose. I'm trying to make it personal, unique, but special. Feels like a lot of pressure considering what she's giving me.

So for the next 3 weeks I'll be a fidgety, anxious mess waiting to find out how this is going to go down and hoping and praying that I can finally get in the game somehow.

I need a hobby...stat. (that doesn't involve me and a mall)


  1. Wonderful news Suzanne! I can only imagine how it must feel to be this removed at this stage, but in the end girl, it's going to be all you and that little embryo! Hoping that the progress with Goose will continue to give you renewed hope! I'm so excited for you!

  2. EEEK! It's all happening!!! Happy to hear all this good news. Exciting stuff!!

  3. Yay, this is wonderful news, Suzanne! I'll be thinking many good thoughts for you and Goose.

  4. Woo hoo, it's time!!! I am so excited for you Suzanne :) I know it's probably a weird feeling being so removed from the process at this point, but pretty soon you will have 9 months to make up for lost time! Praying for you!

  5. Oh my gosh!! Yay!! You are one BIG step closer! I can't wait to read along in how this cycle goes :) XOXO

  6. Awesome. So happy the Goose is on the loose! Woot! It's really happening now!!!

  7. This is great news! I can't wait to read each exciting step. I am rooting you on and praying that everything goes better than you hope for!

  8. Very exciting! I blogged about our gift decision because it was tough! I got lots of great comments and we went with optino #1

    Wishing you the best of luck!

  9. Woot woot! Sounds like things are progressing. Stay strong my friend, even if u feel so disconnected from the process the time will come for u to be a part of it.

  10. Go Goose! Ecstatic for you, Suzanne!

  11. woo hooo!! How exciting! I can understand that it would feel weird to "be in the passenger seat". My husband wasn't even there for my first IUI (since he didn't have to provide a sample) and he had a performance with his band he couldn't miss. However, even though you are not physically doing anything right now, you can still be praying and sending lots of good vibes to the Universe... I don't know, maybe I'm too hippy :)

    I am so excited for you that things are progressing, good luck in deciding what to get Goose :)

  12. Yay!!! I'm so happy things are finally on track and going well and trust me, you are doing a lot. This baby(ies) will grow and get life in YOUR body and right now while Goose is doing her part, you are doing yours by getting that HCG done and out and getting your body to the best possible place to nurture and grow a wonderful healthy pregnancy, so please don't feel like you are on the sidelines, your roll is the most important, embryos cannot do anything with the perfect host-you are the most critical of all!

    Lots of love and prayers Suzanne!! In time for the holidays, finally you will have that BFP you so deserve, finally you can plan for a wonderful future in 2014. *hugs*

  13. You WILL be able to jump in and do your part sooner than you think! In fact, you are doing your part right now by...

    1. sending happy, peaceful, fertile thoughts to Goose and her growing eggs
    2. continuing to take care of your body and prepare it for those embryos (however that looks to you...not meaning to place any undue pressure on you with this comment)
    3. preparing your heart to accept whatever comes next in this journey
    4. etc, etc, etc

    I feel like there's a lot that you can just takes some major thinking outside the box. And soon, you will be PUPO and doing ALL OF THE WORK while the other people involved step aside. This will be YOUR child and you'll be putting in plenty of time...nine months...and then a whole lifetime. Not to minimize Goose's contribution in ANY way...but just sayin.

  14. Wow! You're totally moving forward in a big way. I'm so excited that you're taking this next step to bring your baby home. XOXO

  15. i finally figured out how to follow your blog (: my subscription wasn't sticking for some reason. anyway, huge and hearty congratulations!!!
